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My Hours, Toogl or Clockify

Are you using time tracking software in your business?⏱

Whether its My Hours, Toggl or Clockify, time tracking apps allow you to create accurate invoices for clients, see how long different tasks take to complete, or to simply help ensure that a flat-rate project doesn’t cost more money to complete than it brings in.

Tracking time for your personal productivity or to streamline your business processes can simplify your tasks 💻

Here are three main benefits of tracking your team’s time:


Your team will have the ability to analyse every aspect of the work day, showing the hour they spent gathering research or the quick 15 minute break that turned into a 45 minute phone meeting.

This allows your team to see what tasks took longer than expected or ensure they are getting enough breaks to recharge. Your team can review their own work processes and discover areas for improvement and holds them accountable for their actions.


Sure, if you asked your team for an idea of time spent on a time for you to bill your client, they could provide you with a rough estimate. But you can’t invoice an estimate.

By accurately tracking each employees time, you’ll be able to earn what you deserve for the time you put in. If all of your tasks took 20 minutes longer than estimated and you completed 10 tasks per week, you’d be losing over 170 billable hours every year. It adds up!


Need to analyse the project completion rate to see if you’ve improved the speed of a certain task? Perhaps you want to compare features of different projects past vs present or determine the ratio of different project types and changes over time.

You need to identify areas for improvement if you find every member of your team is struggling with the timeframe for certain tasks, it may be pointing to a process that needs adjusting. If you’re recording the data, you can find the answers!

Who’s using time tracking software? 🙋🏼‍♀️ We use MyHours - love the simplicity to track time easily and fast. The reports present a professional & reliable document to share when invoicing clients!

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